Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sex Bulletin

Don't Scare Her! - Ever wonder why some gyms are 'women only'? Women are much more body-conscious in the gym than men are, according to a study from Canada's Acadia University. Thisry-seix percent of women shortened their workouts if they were the only woman exercising among men, which may indicate that the presence of men heightens a woman's social physique anxiety. Darren Kruisselbrink, Ph.D., says women feel more comfotable when fellow exercisers aren't dressed in formfitting clothes. So ditch the muscle tee- "and don't gawk."

Stud or Slut? - Don't brag about your conquests. In a new study published in the journal Sex Roles, 8,000 people assessed fictional men and women who had varying numbers of sexual partners. Individuals-- regardless of gender--were seen as less intelligent the more sex partners they had, suggesting that a double standard does not exist. People seem to fall back on expected stereotypes when talking in groups, but judge promiscuity harshly for both sexes.

Oral Report - Any sex talk with your children should include the topic of oral sex. Teens think oral sex is less risky and more socially acceptable than other methods and are more likely to engage in it. This is according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics. One in five ninth-graders reported having oral sex, and 14 percent said they'd had intercourse.

Source: Men's Health

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