Tuesday, March 12, 2013

5 Hidden Acne Causes

You break out when you're swamped at work, but is that the cause? Could it be the extra junk food you've been eating as a result of the stress? Maybe you've been in the sun too much? The point is, there are a lot of myths surrounding pimples. We looked at the research and talked to experts to uncover these surprising reasons your skin may not be as smooth as it could be.

Dairy - A study published the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that boys who consumed two or more servings of milk a day were the most likely to have acne. The researchers believe this applies to older men, too. "Just one cup of milk can cause breakouts", says Adnan Nasir, M.D., Men's Health dermatology adviser. If you break out frequently, opt for almond milk. Try this for two months and see if it makes a difference.

Carbohydrates - Researchers gave men a face cleanser and assigned them one of two 12-week diets: one high in carbohydrates and one high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains. Both groups saw a decrease in the number of pimples, bu the high-protein dieters had double the drop. The researchers believe increased insulin can cause inflammation in the skin and lead to breakouts. Cut down on the sugar and switch to whole grains.

Not Enough Omega-3's - A 250-gram supplement of EPA (The omega-3 found in sardines) reduced the number of pimples in a study published in Lipids in Health and Disease. "Inflammatory chemicals increase the production of sebum. Omega-3s prevent these chemicals from making sebum, which is known to cause acne," says Alan Logan, N.D., an independent researcher.

Stress - Research shows that stress triggers the release of steroid hormones, like glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens, known to cause acne by activating the oil glands and clogging pores. A Standford University study even found that college students had more breakouts during exams, when they reported more stress.

Too Much Sun - Over several years, sun exposure may increase your skin's oil production. If you're fair skinned, five to ten years living in a sunny climate as an adult can make you more susceptible to acne. So, choose your sunscreen wisely. Try picking sunscreen that is dissolved in alcohol instead of plant oils. "The alcohol will evaporate and only the protection is left behind," says Dr. Nasir.

Source: Men's Health

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